Sami likes to paint his world around him, because for him it is full of beautiful and inspiring things, like the chime of the ice cream cart down the street, the warmth of the autumn sun on his face, the hard work of a robin building her nest. When Sami sees something he likes, he is overwhelmed with a lot of feelings, creeping like a butterfly into his mind, then his heart, then his pens, to come out on his paper in the form of a swirl of colors.
Sami loves to paint these feelings, but he gets frustrated when he can't find anyone who understands his paintings at school or even at home. Although this does not stop him from drawing what he feels, he gives up the desire to show his paintings to people. Until the day comes when Sami meets his new neighbor, Salwa, and he is surprised by her great admiration for his drawings, and her ability to understand the feelings underlying them. Only then does Sami realize that he has finally found a kind soul who understands him well, and who understands what he wants to say in his paintings.
This delicate story, full of artistry and emotion, assures us that there is no single, stereotypical way of doing things, and that we as human beings always yearn to be understood and appreciated even when our ways of expression differ. And that with a little empathy and patience we will understand and appreciate each other. This story, which celebrates the vast world of art, is an open invitation to children, as well as adults, to express in their own way, with their sensitive senses, and their sincere feelings, and not to be frustrated by people's confusion about their art and style, because their journey is full of beautiful surprises and with kind, sensitive hearts that will understand well, and will give them All the love and appreciation they deserve.