I almost choked: the story of the boy who was restless for a moment | Hyperactivity
by AlBuraq
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Dhs. 40.00
I almost suffocate
I'm handsome ..
says my mother me , I was born is not like the other boys, hear her talk with its neighbors:
"My son is handsome, do not pass it one day without rioting.
Climbs up on the walls, climb up the shelves, and if they decided to watch TV, do not leave resting in his place, he puts it all on the ground, and he builds with it a high mountain, under which he will sink, and nothing is visible from it.”
Handsome.. hyperkinetic.. will she be overcome by the end of the story?
Dar Al-Buraq for Children's Culture is a publishing house specialized in children's literature and culture and has a long history of success
Recommended for ages: 4-8 years